Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lessons In Marketing-Business Cards

Lessons In Marketing

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I would be purchasing some nicer business cards ( and seeing if they brought in more business than the free ones offered at So far, I have not seen any difference. The nicer cards featured samples of my work. I thought if people picked up the card and liked the photograph, they would be more likely to call me for an appointment than someone who just got a standard card with my information.

However, this has not proved true. My standard cards all disappeared from a local children's boutique. My nicer cards with sample works are still at the local antique store where I left them 2 weeks ago! So I have to say, it's not worth it to spend the extra money on the nicer business cards. Neither business card has produced any bookings. Although my Facebook page has grown, it's hard to say if this is from the business cards or not.

 You can check out my Facebook page here: Shannon's Snapshots. Please take a second to like my page.

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I try to update my Facebook page daily. I do monthly specials and giveaway frequently. My page has grown in likes and I have received a few bookings from it, but it seems the majority of Facebook fans are simply liking my page and then disregarding it or not seeing it again in their news feed. Facebook and my business cards are all I have to get the word out about my business.

How do I make these more successful?
 How do I get the word out?
How do I get people to chose me over other area photographers?

It seems like the only way people are interested in my Facebook page is if I am giving something away for free which of course, means no profit for me. How do I turn my business into a successful one and not just a hobby? Now that is a good question. Any suggestions?

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What brand of camera do you use?

Which camera brand do you use?